The Rickety Tavern

Rudraneel Bhattacharya @cursed-halo

Writer | Web Developer | PC Hardware Enthusiast | Linux Aficionado | Cat Daddy

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Browse Through The Projects (Super Outdated, Working On Fixing It) Section Or The Blogs Section To Look At My Work, Alternatively, Check Me Out On My Socials Or Head On Over To The Contact Section If You Want To Say Hello.

Thoughts And Opinions Are My Own.

Featured Works & Ramblings


The Next Generation Payment Solution. Digital & Offline. Pay Without Worry, Reliable, Safe & Blazing Fast!


The Holistic Solution To All Your Packaging Needs By Upcycling Otherwise Would-Be-Discared Fabrics - Hult Prize 2023 Semifinalist .

Medium Articles

A Collection Of Whatever I Publish - Wildly Random.


A Basic C++ Library, Inspired By MIT OCW CS50 - Adds Basic High Level Functions For Prompt Based Inputs, Basic Array Functions, Etc.

Random JS Games

A Small Collection Of Web Based Games Made Using JS - Totally Not Permanently Shelved.

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